
Review: Wintersong

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I picked up Wintersong because nothing gets me to pick up a book faster than “LABYRINTH RETELLING!”. Okay, might be stretching the truth a bit, but you catch my drift right? The original Labyrinth movie was a huge part of my childhood and the beginning of my life-long love of David Bowie. His music will never get old to me.

While a snail’s pace beginning, it starts to ramp up a bit going into the 100s pages. Unfortunately, it doesn’t hold steady for very long and starts to fizzle out. I actually found myself becoming bored, up until the point where The Goblin King and Elisabeth were gonna get it on and he basically pulls a “Go home, Elisabeth. You’re drunk.” I actually then laughed out loud. Even if Elisabeth was pissed she wasn’t gonna get any pretty Goblin King dick.

You find yourself getting beaten over the head with this book’s emphasis on music, and when it’s FINALLY done doing that, you’ll get your heart ripped out during the ending. To be fair though, if you pay enough attention you’ll see this ending coming.

I wanted to love this book, I really did, but it just did not work out and that’s okay.

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