The Right Way to be Crippled and Naked: The Fiction of Disability: An Anthology by Annabelle Hayse
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I’m going to be totally honest and say this: Reviewing anthologies are hard because it’s not one story by one author, it’s multiple stories by multiple authors and I feel that will just DRAG. ON. FOREVER. thus boring you, the reader of this review and myself, the writer.
This anthology though? Amazing. Why? Because you don’t see many stories from writers that are disabled, be it mentally, physically or emotionally. Disabled writers have a tendency to fall through the cracks, much like disabled people in general.
Some of the stories even feature disabled characters in which their disabilities are made clear and others where there disabilities are more invisible, or not even mentioned at all. There even was a story featuring characters that struggled with addiction and it made me so sad.
These stories are hard hitting, and they will give you a glimpse of what people like me struggle with day in and out in a world that isn’t none too kind to us.